The Language People Blog

Advanced German
Published on 29th August 2019
This course provides more advanced students with the opportunity to actively practice and develop their German.
German for beginners
Published on 21st August 2019
Our German for beginners’ course provides learners with the essential vocabulary and grammar needed to converse and interact around day-to-day topics through mediums such as videos, audios, articles and more.
Senior German Summer Camps
Published on 1st July 2019
Aimed at Incoming 5th and 6th year students, class time focuses on revision, vocabulary building and developing student’s ability to write and understand texts.
German Summer Camps
Published on 28th June 2019
Aimed at Incoming 2nd and 3rd year students, class time focuses on revision, vocabulary building and developing student’s ability to write and understand texts. One full week gives students time to concentrate on the language, the afternoons are activity based, where students use the language doing fun and engaging activities, repetition of phrases develops students oral and aural skills. Students can opt to attend as a day student or as residential student.
Oral Workshops
Published on 10th May 2019
This one-day workshop gives leaving cert students the opportunity to practice their languages skill needed for the oral exam.