Here, Leaving Cert students get the help they need to overcome any difficulties they have with the language,we work with students on a 1 to 1 basis or in a small group of 2 to 4 students. Our grinds are carefullyplanned and tailored to each student’s needs. Students speak German in each class to help them developthe confidence required to approach the oral exam.
As the leaving cert is a two year program, we advise students to work on developing language skills in 5th year.We help students to understand and be able to use the grammar structures in written and oral context.
Transition year is an ideal year to develop language skills as students do not have the stress of examsand school life is a little more easy going. Learning in a relaxed enviroment where students can learn to enjoy German, to be able to use the language in eveyday situations will make students more confidentwith the language and prepare them for the senior cycle.
This weekly class will provide students in their junior cert year with an opportunity to develop skills indifferent areas required for the Junior Cert. This small group will allow each student to get individualattention, it also gives the tutor time to identify and deal with any weaknesses a student may have.