European Languages – Adult Courses


French for Beginners
This course is suited to those who have little or no previous experience in using the French language.
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Français Avancé
Ce cours offre aux étudiants plus avancés l’occasion de pratiquer et de développer activement leur français.
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Advanced French
This course provides more advanced students with the opportunity to actively practice and develop their French.
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Intermediate French
This course is suited to students with sufficient vocabulary and grammar knowledge to start conversing on different day-to-day topics.
Course Details
French 1 to 1
For students who prefer individual learning.
Course Details

For information on all our courses and
services please visit our bookings page

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I loved the time here. The Guest family treated me like their own child and staying
with them feels like home. I’m sad that I have to leave but I will come back.

Claire Luisa, 17 yrs – Germany