European Languages – Junior Courses


German for Kids
Especially for Kids - an introduction to German through games, songs and role play
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Oral Workshops
This one-day workshop gives leaving cert students the opportunity to practice their languages skill needed for the oral exam.
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German Summer Camps
Aimed at Incoming 2nd and 3rd year students, class time focuses on revision, vocabulary building and developing student’s ability to write and understand texts. One full week gives students time to concentrate on the language, the afternoons are activity based, where students use the language doing fun and engaging activities, repetition of phrases develops students oral and aural skills. Students can opt to attend as a day student or as residential student.
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German for 6th Year
Here, Leaving Cert students get the help they need to overcome any difficulties they have with the language,we work with students on a 1 to 1 basis or in a small group of 2 to 4 students. Our grinds are carefullyplanned and tailored to each student’s needs. Students speak German in each class to help them developthe confidence required to approach the oral exam.
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German for 5th Year
As the leaving cert is a two year program, we advise students to work on developing language skills in 5th year.We help students to understand and be able to use the grammar structures in written and oral context.
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German for T.Y. Students
Transition year is an ideal year to develop language skills as students do not have the stress of examsand school life is a little more easy going. Learning in a relaxed enviroment where students can learn to enjoy German, to be able to use the language in eveyday situations will make students more confidentwith the language and prepare them for the senior cycle.
Course Details
German for Junior Cert
This weekly class will provide students in their junior cert year with an opportunity to develop skills indifferent areas required for the Junior Cert. This small group will allow each student to get individualattention, it also gives the tutor time to identify and deal with any weaknesses a student may have.
Course Details

For information on all our courses and
services please visit our bookings page

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I loved the time here. The Guest family treated me like their own child and staying with them feels like home. I’m sad that I haveto leave but I will come back.

Claire Luisa, 17 yrs – Germany

La mia esperienza in Irlanda é stata molto bella ma avrei voluto fare piu´gite e piu´attivitá divertenti, anche in gruppo. Gli insegnanti comunque sono simpatici e la hostfamily molto ospitale.

Laura, 17 – Italy